Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Ancient Egyptians were a very intelligent nation.They used to make games that test intelligence.A lot of board games where found in tombs of kings and nobles.Archaeologists spent years to understand how these games where played but they failed Because these games where so difficult that it is very tough to understand it through an image.The most popular board game in ancient Egypt was called senet.drawings in walls of royal tombs explained how senet was played.In king tut`s tomb there were a lot of images showing kings and princes playing senet.senet is so similar in shape to chess but it is completely different in the way it is played which is still a mystery.Now there are a lot of maths scientists trying to find how this game was played but I think it is a very difficult challenge to know something about Ancient Egyptians that they didn't want to tell their descendants.All what can we do is to raise our hats to these exceptional people who will still a point of controversy throughout history


Lindra said...

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Unknown said...

وااااااااااااااو انا هاقيم عندك فى المدونة دى على فكرة انا بحب المواضيع دى قوى بجد و الله......بس معلومات جميلة فعلا وانا بحب التاريخ القديم جدا جدا........مع انه مرور اول بس انا عندى اقتراح ليه ماتكتبش المواضيع بالعربى عشان تبقى رقعة المستفيدين اكبر؟؟؟؟ يعنى لو كتبت بالعربى هتوصل لمجموعة اكبر من الناس وللا انت ايه رأيك؟؟؟ على العموم دة اقتراح لو ما اتنفذش مش هيمنع زياراتى للمدونة الرائعة.......سلام بقى عشان اكمل قراية لباقى البوستات

salah said...

nice blog , my blog is about ancient egypt , wanna exchange links ?

waiting ur opinion..

Anglina said...

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hessamoddin said...

Cooool! your posts are very interesting.

Lindra said...

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Tanz said...

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